Flight Of The Madisons

Flight Of The Madisons

March 17, 2015
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FlightOfTheMadisonsDuring The War of 1812, President James Madison and First Lady Dolley Madison, were forced to take flight from their home, The White House, because the British were about to capture Washington, D.C. While the President and First Lady were taking their individual routes of escape, the British put torch to the White House, United States Capitol and other prominent buildings.

The routes of James and Dolley Madison are not exact and much of the evidence of where they stayed is circumstantial. Many of the stops along the two routes of the Madisons no longer exist or are privately owned. Development of the region in the twentieth century further impacted the historic integrity of the route. However, from the information we do have, and to the best of historians’ knowledge, this interactive experience covers the individual routes of escape taken by James and Dolley Madison.

[Please note: Although the design and implementation were completed, final assets were not provided by the client. Therefore the only stops, on each route, which display all the features are: (for James) Brookeville, Salona, Bladensburg and (for Dolley) Bellevue and Salona.]

Design by InHeritage. Implementation by 3Rings Media.

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